We’re Back in Action!

We’re pleased to report that we passed our WSSC inspection yesterday and that our parking lot was repaired today. Starting tomorrow morning, we’re back to our normal operating hours (11 am – 9 pm daily) and processes (i.e., no reservations required). For the rest of today, please continue to only use the 16 spaces closest […]

Temporary Pool Closure

The club is currently closed while a broken sewage line in the parking lot is being repaired. Please review the email from the Board that was sent on June 29th for more details. We will post on the website and send a communication to members when the definitive reopen date has been determined.

Welcome Back to Your Summer Home

We did it! On Memorial Day Weekend of 1963, Seven Locks opened its doors for the first time. Sixty years later, we’re excited to reveal our reimagined club. The renovation has been four years in the making, with planning, budgeting, fundraising, and permitting preceding the construction that took place over the past nine months. None […]

Membership renewals for 2016 were due March 15. Please renew now! We have started to offer memberships to families on our wait list. A $50 late fee per month will be charged for any renewals made after March 31.