General Meeting Feb. 6
All Seven Locks Equity members are invited to a general meeting of all Equity Members which will take place on Monday, February 6, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Jasinski Residence. (Please contact us for address if interested in attending.)
The agenda for the general meeting will be as follows:
I. Annual dues and membership fee structure.
Subject to the approval by the majority of the Equity Members in attendance at the General Meeting, the Board proposes the following annual dues and membership fee structure:
Returning equity member:
* Family: $700 annual dues
* Couple: $600 annual dues
* Individual: $475 annual dues
* $75 Senior discount (65+)
Summer Membership – $1200
August Membership – $475
II. Proposal and approval of annual operating budget of the Association for 2017.
Subject to the approval by the majority of the Equity Members in attendance at the General Meeting, the Board will submit the 2017 annual operating budget.
III. Other Business
In accordance with the By-Laws, the Equity Members in attendance at the Annual Meeting may transact such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.